Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Big news

My best friend J. texted me that his wife A. just gave birth to a healthy boy. Congratulations to both of them and my God bless their newborn child! They are both 25 and already married for 2 years. What is my general outlook on this? To be honest, there is a part of me that envies J. because he is already at this point in his life, where there are more 'knowns' than unknowns. I mean who wouldn't want a certain stability in their life? Sure, there are still surprises before him and first months with a toddler are going to be anything but stable, but in the big picture he already made most of the important choices and is at peace with his decisions. I am one year younger than him and will never have what he has at his age. On the other hand, I have more options than he does. For example, I can leave Poland and pursue scientific carrier abroad. I don't need to divide my time between so many things, I have less responsibilities, I can stay late nights, go for a beer whenever I want, don't need to save the money for family vacations and spend them on something else. Both situations have pros and cons, they both can make a man/woman happy. There is one more thing, common for J. and me, although we are on different paths. We consult our decisions with JCh and fulfill His will in our lives. It won't guarantee that happiness will magically come knocking at your door (although it might and JCh can surprise you in ways you couldn't imagine), but helps to keep your eyes on the prize.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dude, that's heavy.

    I didn't knew you have these thoughts. I'm glad thou.

    However, I wouldn't say I'm missing anything. If now You were living near, like in the same city, we would spend still the same amount of time, drink the same amount of beer, play MGS the same amount of time. That's the thing: I just have to be smarter now, make more long-term decisions. So in a way I might be little restricted but thanks to that I making more in the same amount of time.

    Oh! And by the way... You missed amazing service this sunday. Man... Preacher was amazing!
